
2024-presentNetherlands, Waterschap Hollandse Delta. Drafting a working plan to establish damage functions for the Lake Brielse Meer.
2024-presentNetherlands, STOWA. Cost-benefit analysis for new standards for regional flood defences.
2024Netherlands, Deltaprogramma Rijnmond-Drechtsteden and Port of Rotterdam. Cost of closures of the Maeslantkering stormsurge barrier for the harbour and shipping.
2024Netherlands, Rijkswaterstaat and Deltares. Exploring the End of Economic Life of the Maeslant stormsurge barrier.
2024Netherlands, Rijkswaterstaat. Mulitple-layer flood risk management and Cost-benefit analysis. Discussion note.
Netherlands, Rijkswaterstaat and Waternet. Futureproof water system Amsterdam-Rijnkanaal-Noordzeekanaal. Damage calculations (with HKV en Tauw).
2023Netherlands, Province of Friesland. Impactanalysis Waterway Boontjes
2023Netherlands/Romania, The World Bank. New Economic Mechanisms for ANAR. Expert contribution on the financing of the Dutch Water Sector.
2023Netherlands, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management: Report on the cost of dike reinforcements in relation tot the flood protection standard.
2022Netherlands, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management: Testing the Methodology Impact Assessment Implementation Program Waddensea area. Testing the methodology in two pilot cases.
2022Nederland, Nationaal Kennis- en innovatieprogramma Water en Klimaat (NKWK). Onderzoekslijn Wateroverlast.
2022Netherlands, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. Future Water Challenges -2 . Cost estimates.
Netherlands, Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat. Lid Expertpanel Nationaal Groeifonds.
2022Netherlands, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management: Report on the discount rate in cost-benefit analysis of economically efficient flood protection standards.
2022Netherlands, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management: Supervision of master students who work on behalf of WVL on experimenting with, and updating of CBA software that was used for the update of the flood risk management standards in 2011.
2022Netherlands, PWN: CBA Climate Buffer Lake IJssel. Economist
2021-2023Netherlands, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management: Integrated River Management. Task leader Cost-Benefit Analysis
2021-2024United Kingdom, Environmental Agency: Long-term Investment Scenario’s (LTIS). Independent Technical Expert
2021-2022Netherlands, Vrije Universiteit: Supervision of Master students  Environment and Resource Management
2021Netherlands, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency: Scoping study for assessing the value of freshwater quality at a global scale. Project leader
2021; 2023Netherlands, STOWA: Advice Indexation Damage Table Regional Flood Defenses
2021Netherlands, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management: Methodology Impact Assessment Implementation Program Waddensea area
2020Netherlands, RVO/World Bank: Water in Changing Wealth of the Nations, Project Leader
2020Netherlands, NKWK: Social Resilience in Climate Proof Cities, Project Leader
2018-2019India, RVO: Water as Leverage Chennai, Economist
2017-2018Netherlands, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management: Cost-benefit Analysis Long-term Ambition Rivers, Advisor
2015-2016United States, NOAA, Flood and Drought Risk Management under Climate Change: Methods for Strategy Evaluation and Cost Optimization, Economist
2014Netherlands/United States, Rebuild by Design: Assessment Framework, Economist
2014Slovakia, Ministry of Interior: Cost Benefit Analysis – Adjustment of Intervention Capacities Through Active Anti-Flood Measures, Economist
2006-2014Netherlands, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management:
Delta Programme Water Safety, Project Leader/Economist
– Delta Programme Rhine Estuary-Drechtsteden, Project Leader/Economist
– Delta Programme Rivers, Economist
– Delta Scenarios, Economist
– Assessment Framework, Economist
2005-2009Germany/Netherlands: Risk Analysis of Transboundary Dike Ring Areas along the Rhine, Economist
2002-2005Netherlands, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management:
Cost-Benefit Analysis Ten Years Scenarios for Dredging, Economist
2004Netherlands, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management:
Cost-Benefit Analysis Room for the River, Economist
2002-2004Netherlands, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management:
National Drought Study, Economist
2001-2002Netherlands, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management:
Cost-Benefit Analysis Spankracht (Managed Retreat along the Rhine and Meuse), Economist
2001Netherlands: Businessplan Hydroscope, Financial Analyist
2001Netherlands, Gemeente Den Bosch: Feasibility Study Grey Water De Groote Wielen, Financial Analyist
2000Netherlands, EBRD: Municipal Environmental Action Programme, Financial Analist
2000Indonesia, PWN: Feasibility Study for Dutch Interventions in the Water Supply Sector in the Bogor area, Financial Analyst
1998-1999Cote d’Ivoire, African Development Bank: Policy for Integrated Water Resource Management, Economist
1998 – 2000Pakistan, ADB: NWFP Forestry Sector Project, Economist
1996-1998Philippines/Viet Nam, ADB: Handbook on the Economic Analysis of Water Supply Projects, Economist
1996 – 1998Ethiopia, Governement of Ethiopia: Tekeze and Mereb River Basin Integrated Development Master Plan Project, Economist
1995Tunisia, World Bank: Greater Tunis Sewerage Project (Fourth Urban Waste Water and Sewerage Project), Financial Analyst